Life in a 21st-Century English Class, Tina Barseghian
I was really impressed by the learning that the author described taking place. She certainly gives great examples of how technology and PBL can be used to support inquiry based learning and enhance students' high levels of thinking. I was really amazed by how the students expressed a desire for the author to help them design a specific lesson unit based on how they wanted to explore the curriculum (using film to identify and analyze themes, writing, character development, film techniques, setting and plot development.)
I understand that the instructor has writing woven into the work she is doing with her students, but where do the writing lessons actually come into play and how are the students learning about how to write, edit for publishing, organize ideas, etc.? While I am sure the author takes the time to implement these types of lessons I am very curious as to how she does it (especially since she does not lecture).
I would love further information on this, as it would help to get a more rounded picture of all the parts to the process she is describing.
Overall I think it sounds like there is a lot of learning and fun happening in that classroom. The PBL activities are allowing the students to take the work they are doing and relate it to their current world - making it SO much more meaningful! I have definitely been inspired by the work of the author and hope to bring the same level of engagement, interest, and excitement into my class (when I have my own :) ).
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