Monday, June 11, 2012

Mobile Reach #35 – School Is Out, But The Learning Does Not End

In this podcast educators share and discuss some apps they suggest for students during the summer. The apps are all intended for cell phone and mobile technology sources. Some of them are ideal for summer vacation, and some can be extended into the classroom!

"9 Fun Ways to Stop Summer Brain Drain"- inspiration for the podcast show I listened to.

Kids Journal, from apple- daily blog of activities, insert picture on camera role, rate your mood for the day, arrange dates for calendar, blog short paragraphs about your day. Ideal for k-4th grade. Great for logging summer activities. allowed to have a number of journals- can create a classroom journal during the year with students.

Simbaloo (spelling?) app- a way to create a "web-mix", create shortcut pages to different websites. Like a visual Diigo.

Google Navigation and Maps - Using it during summer travel. Can create/setup "custom maps".

Order Up to Go - sequencing. Idea of the app is that you are a chef. Students think they are playing a game - it is about following directions, and creating systems (sequencing). Free in the games section.

Autobon Birds - app for traveling, a field guide to all North American birds. can take notes on the different birds seen. It is cool to be able to ID the different birds that you see.

Trip It - app available everywhere. First, search it, then make an account, then create/book your rentls. The app then creates your itinerary to others.

Tumbler - it can be used a a photoblog. Students create a running blog for their trips as they travel during the summer.

It is important to UPDATE your apps!

Tourists: Allows you to create tours from all of the world. can be done right from your phone. The app even provides direction in the picture taking.

The Eo time machine (SP?)  chose a year (starts as early at the 1800s, goes to the 1000. Kids picking their birthday year, then getting as close to the date as possible. Have kids research and explore what was happening on their birthday when they were born.

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