Thursday, July 5, 2012

Bridge Year

Open Education's blog entry by Thomas, Taking a Gap or Bridge Year – A Growing Trend, was a great read. I really support this idea. I don't think that just because a student has completed high school, that they are ready for college. Many students enter college with no real idea of what career they would like to pursue and pick a major based on something they think might be interesting/fun/ or provide them with a desirable income. Some are just not mature enough. There is nothing wrong with taking a year to gain some meaningful life experience! I bet a person who takes a year and works their tush off or spends time volunteering in areas they think they might be interested in pursuing as career paths will go into their college studies with more drive and commitment than most students who just go because it's the next step.

Life experience sure showed me a career path I had no idea I would be so passionate about when I was in undergrad. I'm thankful all the time that I found the passion I have have for teaching through life experience, and I'm positive that more people would find careers they loved if they took some time to have life experience before attending college.


  1. If we're going to embrace living and develop an awareness of the infinite possibilities in a "well lived" life, then we not only take a bridge year, but keep looking for them throughout our lives. Even if we've found our passion and purpose, there are boundaries that have to be pushed and redefined. You can become more insightful and a stronger leader by seeking out unexplored possibilities; but, you can also do so through simple adventures and truly knowing yourself and your passions. What's so amazing about being in a classroom now is the ability to bring the world, through the Internet, into the room. Teaching, like few other professions, gives you the opportunity to create new bridges of understanding for yourself and others. There are bridges to find, to cross, and to build! Your classroom can be that springboard.

  2. I think this article is really important for high school students and their parents to read and consider. Because of the economy and the strong desire to succeed, young people often get stuck in a profession they are not truly passionate and interested in. I think taking a year to volunteer and experience life would definitely help people discover their true strengths and interests. I think this would help our society tremendously, to have people who are truly interested in their profession would help the productivity and happiness. I feel extremely fortunate I found my true interest :)
